Welcome to Western PA Quiz Stats

After logging into the system, authorized coaches can enter students and set up team rosters. You must first enter students into the system before you can add them to a team. Any student from grades 7-12 will be automatically registered as a senior quizzer and all others will be added in as junior quizzers.

Teams can be edited by a coach until January 1. After that time coaches cannot edit team roster but can deactivate teams (if you know that team will not be in attendance). If you are going to deactivate a team, please do so 36 hours in advance of the quizzing event. (Schedules are generated and posted online 24 hours before the event.) Also, please note that teams that are deactivated remain that way until they are explicitly returned to active status.

If you are a coach and have not received a email with your login information, please contact the webmaster regarding your account.


User Name:
Click here if you forgot your password.

Webmaster:    Copyright 2007 KCW